How To Ask For Feedback After Job Rejection : Explained

When it comes to finding a new workplace for yourself it doesn’t matter how good you are at a profession. Because at some or other point you might get rejected from a position. Yet from rejection you are not supposed to get disheartened rather learning from them is what is going to lead you ahead of the crowd. Though rejection without any kind of feedback has become very common these days, it doesn’t mean that you can’t ask for it. But now the real question arises is how to ask for feedback after job rejection? So worry not, we have got you covered in this blog where we give you a brief on some ways in which you can ask for feedback for your candidature. 

Why Ask Feedback After Rejection?

Job interviews give you a peek into what a company wants, how it works, and what it’s like to work there. Companies don’t just look at your skills and experience when they interview you. They also check if you’ll fit in well with their team and way of doing things. Sometimes even if you have the right skills, you might not get the job. This could be because of how you communicate how you’d work with the team, or if what you want doesn’t match what they’re offering.

When you ask for feedback after an interview, you get to see yourself as the company saw you. This can show you where you didn’t quite meet what they were looking for, helping you do better in future interviews. Companies might tell you things like where your skills need work, how you could talk about your achievements better, or if your personality clicked with their team. If you don’t get this information, you might keep making the same mistakes in interviews missing out on jobs you could have gotten.

When to Ask for Feedback After Job Rejection?

When you get a basic rejection call or message like “There aren’t any more steps for you” or “We decided on another candidate” without any other details, it’s fine to check back and ask for some feedback. Do this quickly right away—if you hear the news on a phone or video call—or in the next few days after you get the message because “your application is still fresh in the interviewer’s mind.”

When Not To Ask for Feedback After Job Rejection?

Be mindful of signs indicating that follow-up would not be welcome—or is distinctly discouraged. “Refrain from inquiring whether the job posting indicates that no feedback will be provided, if the rejection was already clearly stated, or if the process concluded after an initial screening because of stiff competition.

How to Ask For Feedback After Job Rejection?

After you have decided to ask for feedback after your job rejection then you mentioned below are five tips that one can follow: 

1. Pick the right way to get in touch

      Reach out to the employer using the same method they used to contact you. If you got a voicemail, call them back; if you received an email, send your question in a reply. If they turn you down during a phone call, you can ask for feedback right then.

      2. Take the rejection well

      Accept the employer’s choice with poise and a professional attitude. It’s okay and normal to feel down and let down, but don’t share too much of that with the employer. You could say something like “Even though I’m sad not to join such a great company, I get and respect your decision.”

      3. Show gratitude for their time

      Be polite and say thanks for the employer’s time spent getting to know you and size you up. Before you ask for feedback, say something like “Thanks for thinking of me” or “I appreciate your consideration.”

      4. Just ask for feedback

      Cut to the chase and ask for feedback. Remember that people who recruit and hire are swamped so get right to the point. “say you’d like to get feedback to get better,” . “Be clear about which parts of your application or interview you want

      5. Be receptive to the feedback

      No matter what they say, avoid reacting or attempting to counter their criticism. Demonstrate your willingness to reflect and develop by being open to feedback. This particular understanding is going to help you in the future prospect. 

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